Case Studies




The Biltmore Mayfair is a 5-star luxury hotel located at 44 Grosvenor Square in the Mayfair area of London, England. We were contacted by The Biltmore to design and supply uniforms. The aim was to align the uniforms with the hotel’s luxury brand and enhance the guest experience.


  • Design and deliver premium uniforms reflecting the hotel’s luxury brand within a strict timeline.
  • Select and approve fabrics and trims virtually.
  • Ensure standard size uniforms fit all employees
  • Heavy rain and flooding in the UAE on April 15th disrupted production for 5 days.


  • Created the collection in 3D with hotel backgrounds for real-time
    visualization and quicker decision making.
  • Chose high-quality, breathable fabrics for comfort and durability
  • Developed new UK standard size charts to minimize alterations.
  • Shifted key production another unit during flood time
  • Our team personally delivered the uniforms to London to avoid
    logistics delays.


  • The hotel management was very pleased with the uniform quality
    and design, receiving positive feedback from both staff and guests.
  • The specially created size chart for this project ensured
    uniforms fit all staff with minimal alterations.
  • This satisfaction resulted in additional orders from the MD and referrals to other prominent hotels in the UK.


This project showcased our ability to deliver high-quality, custom uniforms under tight deadlines and challenging circumstances. Our innovative approach, including virtual design and fitting solutions, ensured client satisfaction, leading to repeat orders and strong referrals within the UK hotel industry.

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